Let's Talk with Sarah

May 4, 20223 min

Being prepared for the end of Roe v Wade

Updated: Jul 1, 2022

On Tuesday May 3, 2022 we learned of a "leaked draft ruling" from SCOTUS regarding the possible future of the landmark ruling related to a person's right to abortion access in the United States known as Roe v. Wade. Almost everyone with a uterus that lives within the United States is familiar with the importance of this historical court case and its impact on healthcare for the last 49 years but what you may not know is how your state may be affected once the ruling takes place.

As a Full Spectrum Doula I support all types of births which includes spontaneous or induced termination of a pregnancy. Yesterday I had the privilege to be amongst other Birth Workers as this news came out and we discussed how many in our community were upset and concerned about the safety and wellbeing of ourselves, our loved ones, and the communities we serve. I will suggest to you the same tips our instructor advised: take this time to step back from the echo chamber, sip some warm tea, stop scrolling, watch a comedy, turn of the podcasts, and delete the Twitter app if you need to. Yes its important to be aware of what is going on in our country but not at the expense of your mental health because 1) that will not change the outcome of this ruling and 2) all is not lost.

The future of public reproductive healthcare may be unstable but as a private individual citizen there are still things you can do to protect yourself and those you love.

1) Federal legislation: The Women’s Health Protection Act

WHPA would create a federal safeguard against restrictions and bans on abortion that single out abortion like no other health care and impede access to services. The bill creates a statutory right for providers to provide, and for their patients to receive, abortion services free from these medically unnecessary restrictions and bans. If you support this bill push your local government to get involved!

2) Call your senator!

Planned Parenthood has made it easy to connect directly with your state senate seat holder and let them know that abortion should not be controversial: abortion is safe, essential health care and congress must step in. Click here to get connected to the senator in your state and let them know how you feel about abortion access, let them know you want WHPA to pass. The people on the side of ending Roe have spoken loud enough, its time we speak back.

3) Birth Control

If you are not currently using birth control become educated on your options and get started using it! Research shows that the number of abortions for pregnancies resulting from assault are far less than those performed for other reasons so being prepared ahead of time is a reliable way to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy as well as STIs. Practice safe consensual sex using one or more of the following methods:

  • Cervical mucus examination

  • Basal body temperature method (BBT)

  • Implant

  • Condoms

  • Diaphragms

  • IUD

  • Emergency Contraceptives (i.e. Plan B, ellaOne)

  • Contraceptive sponges

  • Vaginal ring

  • Tubal Ligation

  • Cervical caps

  • Spermicides

  • Vasectomy

  • The pill

  • Patch

4) Purchase abortion pills now!

An abortion pill is a safe prescription medication that can be taken to medically terminate a pregnancy up to 10 weeks. As of the publishing of this article abortion pills are still legal in all 50 of the United States, some providers do accept insurance and Medicaid to cover the cost and for those who do not have coverage many providers offer discounts. Visit the follow link to find a provider and learn more about this option.

5) Herbal remedies

There are herbal remedies that have also been known to bring on a period when one is late however I would not suggest you utilize this method without the guidance of an experienced Midwife or Herbalist. If you are interested in connecting with a trusted provider please message me.

I know with all of the news of laws and politicians seemingly taking away our rights it can feel like the sky is falling but I assure you that there is a large community of Birth Workers who have vowed to continue the work of supporting healthy, safe, and autonomous births. I am proud to be a part of this community and will continue to advocate for equal and equitable reproductive care for all. Have questions about how a Full Spectrum Doula can support you during this reproductive experience? Reach out!

Reproductive wellness is not only about fertility, pregnancy, and birth. Holistic reproductive wellness also empowers us to take control of our minds and bodies in a way that promotes overall wellness so we can choose if, when, and how to safely support a pregnancy. Are you ready to take this journey with me? Head over our Facebook group to join the discussions or message me for more information.
