Let's Talk with Sarah

Jan 2, 20222 min

Are you ready for 2022?

In 2019 I began my journey to wellness by removing meat and many animal products from my diet. I did it for no other reason but to see if I could and see how my body responded and I was happily surprised to see many ailments disappear over time and even a few inches from my waistline. I felt physically lighter in my step, fatigue was a less often concern, and I didnt get the itis after big meals any more.

In 2020 I began the next step of my wellness journey by incorporating movement into every day. This was much harder because at 5'3 and 210lbs movement wasn't usually enjoyable. I really had to experiment with types of exercise to see what I enjoyed and what would stick. It was not uncommon for me to pull a hamstring, puke, or generally feel like crap while I was working to find what suited my body. YouTube dance videos are my favorite, followed by yoga, and a few HIIT workouts.

It is now 2022 and I am happy to say that I am 70lbs lighter than when I began my journey and while that number is a huge accomplishment the side effects are SO much more rewarding. For the first time in their life I can run with my children, I can dance without getting tired before the end of a song, I look damn good in a bikini, and I bought myself a bike to ride because I deserve it!

This year I look forward to seeing what is next for me, after everything I have been and done in the last few years I have learned that loving me and showing up for me is the healthiest way I can live and I am excited for ya'll to get in alignment with that same feeling and join me on this never ending journey to whole person wellbeing.

Are you ready for 2022? Are you ready to level up with me? I am so ready for you to join me!

Hi my name is Sarah and I am so glad you are here! I am a Transformational Life Coach located in Central FL, working with women locally and around the world, to align with our ultimate purpose and pleasure in life. We'd love for you to join our community, head over our Facebook group and join us!
